Mosquitoes…the Unwelcome Guest!
Mosquitoes are an unwelcome guest at any backyard barbeque that can force you and your guest back indoors. Not only is their buzzing and hunger for blood irritating, but they can also carry potentially serious diseases like malaria, West Nile and Zika viruses. Controlling mosquitoes is important to protecting your home, your lawn, and the people you love.
High temperatures and humidity create a mosquito’s ideal habitat. Humid regions are more likely to have mosquito problems, which makes it no surprise that Kentucky (especially the Ohio Valley) has more than its fair share of mosquitos in the summer.
Mosquitos thrive, breed, and lay their eggs in ponds, puddles, or any type of standing water. Any area that holds water in a potential breeding ground for these pests.
Mosquitos lurk in areas that provide protection from potential predators, making trees and shrubs their number one hiding spot. Maintaining and treating your landscape can help lower the chances of mosquitos becoming a nuisance in your backyard.
Treating your lawn regularly for mosquitoes is a proven method for reducing mosquito infestations. Contact a professional at Lancaster Lawn & Landscaping, LLC to create the best plan for mosquito control on your lawn.