Armyworms…A Major Lawn Enemy!
When you value a great-looking lawn, you want to do everything in your power to keep it that way. Unfortunately, armyworms, which are highly destructive lawn pests can have a negative impact on your lawn and its appearance.
Unfortunately, these pests can do damage quickly. Armyworms can devastate a yard in a matter of days, so gaining control of these pests quickly can greatly lower their chance of wreaking total havoc on your lawn.
Armyworms are light green or tan in their early growth stage and dark green or brown in later stages. Full-grown armyworms are between 1½ and 2 inches long. They also have a distinct, darker “Y” near their head.
Armyworms migrate in large groups (of thousands), much like an “army”. They move swiftly, eating grass as they go. They can move through a lawn in a matter of days.
Most times armyworm lawn damage is recognized before spotting any armyworms. The first sign of lawn damage is small patches of brown grass with the edges of the blades chewed. As the grass is eaten, it will begin to die, forming brown patches around the lawn. If you notice any of these brown patches forming, some as quickly as overnight, start looking for armyworms in your grass.
Armyworms pose the biggest threat in late summer and early fall. Armyworms are not a yearly problem, in fact, you may go many years without any armyworms in your lawn and the suddenly have a problem. Since they are not a yearly problem it is not necessary to treat your lawn for armyworms every year, but you should always be on the lookout for them, and it should be treated if you have any signs of these destructive pests. Last fall armyworms were a major problem for many in the Meade, Hardin, and surrounding counties. When it comes to killing armyworms, early detection is everything. Armyworms can be easily controlled by insecticides when identified early enough. Early detection will also prevent the damage from becoming severe and will be easier to repair. A few patches of brown grass can be seeded much easier than having to attempt to replace an entire lawn.
Armyworms can do serious damage in a matter of days, you have to gain control of them quickly. The professionals at Lancaster Lawn & Landscaping, LLC, can help get your armyworm problem under control before it is too late.