Rainbows And Rainbow Colored Gardens

Creating a rainbow garden is a great way to add vibrancy and color to your outdoor space. Not only do these gardens look beautiful, but they can also bring bees and other pollinators to your yard.  For those interested in a rainbow garden, there are plenty of colorful annuals and perennials that will work.  Geraniums, petunias, dwarf zinnias and verbena are a good start, along with ornamental grasses, salvia and daylilies.  While you may have to replant some areas throughout the season due to fading blooms, with proper care you can have a gorgeous array of colors all year round. 

Have you ever wondered about all the different types of rainbows, one of nature’s most splendid creations.  The seven types of rainbows are multiple rainbows, double rainbows, supernumerary rainbows, circular rainbows, monochrome rainbows, moonbows and fogbows.

Multiple Rainbows are created when sunlight is reflected off a single water droplet several times. This multiple reflection causes the appearance of two or more rainbows in the sky.

Double Rainbows are created when sunlight is reflected off the inner and outer surfaces of a water droplet twice before it reaches the observer’s eye. This creates two concentric arcs with their bases at the same point on the horizon and with an additional spectrum of colors in between them.

Supernumerary Rainbows appear as faint arcs between primary and secondary rainbows that have a higher order of diffraction than normal due to the size of water droplets in the atmosphere.

Circular Rainbows occur when sunlight is reflected off a small body of water that is viewed from above. The reflection creates an arc that appears in complete circle because of the observer’s position relative to the light source.

Monochrome Rainbows appear when there is only one wavelength or color present in the light reflecting off a water droplet. This can happen when sunlight passes through certain materials such as smoke or fog, resulting in a single-colored rainbow.

Moonbows – also known as lunar rainbows – occur when moonlight reflects off a body of water onto an observer’s eye. The light reflecting off the water droplets is much fainter than in regular rainbows so these often appear white or faint pastel shades instead of vibrant colors.

Fogbows – sometimes called “ghost” rainbows – occur when mist or fog is illuminated by either sunlight or moonlight. As with moonbow reflections, these are much fainter than regular rainbows, so they often appear white or pale shades instead of vibrant colors.

After the next rainstorm step outside and look for a rainbow, maybe you will capture a beautiful picture of one as well.  If you live in Brandenburg, Kentucky or the surrounding area and are looking to add a pop of color and curb appeal to your landscaping, call the professionals at Lancaster Lawn & Landscaping, LLC.  There are many different types of flowers that you can use to create a beautiful, rainbow-colored garden, ranging from smaller annuals and perennials to larger trees and shrubs. With proper care and maintenance, these flowers will provide a colorful display all season long that is sure to draw the eye of anyone who passes by.


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